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Monthly Archives: August 2024


Mother Appeals Relocation Order Filed By Father

By Faulkner Law Group, PLLC |

In the case of Mignott v. Mignott, the mother appealed a supplemental final judgment for the dissolution of marriage that incorporated and relied on an order granting a petition of the child’s father to relocate from Florida to Missouri. According to the appeals decision, the trial court failed to make the requisite statutory findings… Read More »

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Former Husband Appeals Marital Settlement Including Award For Permanent Alimony

By Faulkner Law Group, PLLC |

Florida has recently changed the rules regarding permanent alimony. Beforehand, it was not necessarily common for the courts to issue an award of permanent alimony, but it did happen. New Florida laws have done away with permanent alimony in favor of durational alimony. Durational alimony can be periodically renewed if the court finds good… Read More »

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Husband Argues Trial Court Abused Its Discretion When Unequally Dividing Mortgage Debt

By Faulkner Law Group, PLLC |

Florida is an equitable distribution state. That means assets and liabilities (debts) are divided according to what is fair and equitable and not (necessarily) evenly. In community property states, assets and debts are divided evenly regardless of what is fair or equitable. In many cases, the Florida courts will award more of the marital… Read More »

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Antenuptial Agreement Leaves Wife Destitute In Florida Divorce Case

By Faulkner Law Group, PLLC |

Before you sign any agreement related to a divorce, you should have that agreement analyzed by a lawyer. The results of failing to do so can leave you holding the short end of the stick. In one Florida divorce case, Waton v. Waton, the wife signed an antenuptial agreement waiving her right to receive… Read More »

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