Monthly Archives: December 2024

Can I Be Disqualified From Recovering Alimony In Florida?
Alimony or spousal maintenance is a payment made from one spouse to another. The purpose of alimony is to ensure that a lower-earning spouse has enough money to live and support themselves after the divorce is finalized. There are numerous reasons why the courts may not award an individual alimony. In this article, the… Read More »

Does Sole Custody Mean The Other Parent’s Rights Are Terminated?
If you’re a parent who is going through a custody battle right now, it may seem like a zero-sum game with your former spouse. If one spouse is awarded sole custody, what happens to the other spouse’s parental rights? While an award of sole custody will prevent a parent from exercising certain rights over… Read More »

Who Pays The Legal Fees In A Florida Divorce?
Everyone knows that divorces are expensive. But certain factors can make them more expensive such as when you’re required to pay for your spouse’s legal fees. In Florida, the courts want to ensure that both parties are more or less on even financial footing when it comes to the divorce. The courts have a… Read More »

I Lost My Job; Do I Still Have To Pay Child Support?
The State of Florida requires parents to support their children. To this effect, the courts order child support payments after parents separate or divorce. But what happens when a paying parent loses their job? Will the state come through and seize their assets or send them to jail? While failing to pay child support… Read More »