Analyzing Florida’s “Deadbeat Dad” Law

Child support is among the major factors that play into a Florida divorce. Each parent is responsible for the support of the children and when one parent fails to provide that support, it can be a major source of contention. Florida has specific laws that protect the rights of the parent who has to pay child support and the one who is receiving child support payments. The laws concerning child support orders and the methods that Florida courts can use to enforce the payment of child support are colloquially known as the “Deadbeat Dad Law”. However, despite the popular name, mothers can also pay child support to fathers under certain conditions. Traditionally, however, the parents lived with the children. Today, especially with new rules put into place during the last legislative session, that is much less likely.
In this article, the Florida child support lawyers at Faulkner Law Group, PLLC will discuss Florida’s “Deadbeat Dad Law” and what the Florida courts can do to enforce a child support order.
To what lengths can the courts go to enforce a child support order?
The Florida courts can go to great lengths to enforce a child support order. This includes forcibly taking the assets of the parent who has failed to pay child support. This includes:
- Garnishing wages
- Levying bank accounts
- Selling assets from your estate
The court can also impose sanctions on an individual for failure to pay child support. These include:
- Contempt of court
- Suspension of your driver’s license
- Suspension of your passport
- Suspension of a professional license
Failure to pay child support will not affect visitation rights
Those who fail to make child support payments can have their finances interfered with or their right to drive a vehicle or travel taken away. What the courts cannot do is interfere with your right to spend time with your children. Parenting plans are unrelated to child support payments. They deal with every aspect of raising a child after divorce with the notable exception of financial matters. Parenting plans specify which days, including holidays, a child spends with each parent. They specify which parent has the right to make certain key decisions involving the child’s health and education. Regardless of financial circumstances, the courts hold that it is in the best interests of the children to spend a substantial amount of time with both parents regardless of financial circumstances. On the other hand, being denied visitation or even being estranged from a child completely, does not remove the demand to make child support payments.
Talk to a Tampa, FL Child Support Lawyer Today
The Tampa, FL family law attorneys at Faulkner Law Group, PLLC help parents secure child support from their other spouse in a divorce. Conversely, if you are in a financial bind, we can help you reduce your child support obligations. Call our office today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin discussing your situation right away.