Defending Against a Traffic Violation in Tampa

Most people need to drive to get to work or school, purchase groceries and other necessities, and run their children around. Driving is even more important if your job requires it. Under Florida law, you could lose your driver’s license if you commit certain traffic offenses. Despite what some people believe, traffic violations don’t just disappear because you opt to pay the fine. You will wind up with points on your license. Too many points and you will have your license suspended, and your insurance rates will undoubtedly increase.
If you received a traffic violation, it’s worth fighting it to try and keep your record clean. Contact the skilled Tampa traffic offense lawyers at Faulkner Law Group, PLLC, to learn how we can help.
Examples of Traffic Offenses We Can Assist With
Some of the traffic offenses that we can assist with include:
- Driving on a suspended or revoked license;
- Leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run can be six points on your driving record);
- Reckless driving (four points);
- Vehicular homicide or vehicular manslaughter;
- Fleeing or attempting to flee from a police officer; and
- Boating under the influence.
If you are charged with vehicular homicide, it’s a second-degree felony. You could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison. This charge is nothing to take lightly, especially when an accident is involved. You could be facing a first-degree felony if the prosecutor can show there was an accident, you knew about it, but failed to stop and render assistance.
How a Tampa Traffic Offense Lawyer Can Help
If you plan on fighting your ticket, go to court on the scheduled date and enter a plea of not guilty. Your attorney can try to negotiate a deal with the prosecutor. The goal is to get the charges dismissed or reduced at a minimum. You have the right to argue against evidence and discuss discrepancies in the officers’ accounts at your subsequent hearing. You also have the right to present your own witnesses and cross-examine the police officers. Your Tampa traffic offense lawyer will provide guidance and represent you throughout the process.
What to Do about a DMV Driver License Hearing
If the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) is suspending your driver’s license, you only have ten days to request a formal hearing. This hearing allows you to challenge the suspension. You definitely want a Tampa traffic offense lawyer representing you for a DMV driver’s license hearing. We can help you lay out the reasons why your license should not be suspended. We can also help you get a temporary restricted license, which will at least let you continue driving back and forth to work.
Contact Our Tampa Traffic Offense Lawyers
Being charged with a traffic offense can be a big deal, especially if you have prior points on your record. Traffic points can remain on your record for five or more years. If you accumulate 12 or more points in a year, your license could be suspended for 30 days. If you have 24 points within a 36-month period, your license will be suspended for a year. Don’t let the DMV suspend your license. Hire our Tampa traffic offense lawyers who can defend you and work to save your driving privileges. Contact Faulkner Law Group, PLLC, today to schedule an initial consultation.