Divorce Statistics In 2023

As the divorce rate continues to climb, key factors in why these divorces are occurring emerge. The most common reason for divorce in 2023 was a lack of family support according to one study contributed by Forbes Advisor. In this article, the Tampa, FL divorce lawyers at Faulkner Law Group, PLLC will discuss some of the key takeaways from the study.
Key reasons for divorce in 2023
According to the study, the respondents indicated that a lack of family support was the most common reason for divorce in 2023. 43% of respondents listed this as their answer when taking the survey. Unequal distribution of marital duties accounted for more instances of divorce than any other factor listed, and it wasn’t even close.
Infidelity or extra-marital affairs was the next highest on the list with 32% of respondents claiming that that factor was a contributor to their divorce. 31% of respondents claimed that a lack of compatibility, lack of intimacy, and too much arguing or conflict contributed to their decision to divorce. Financial stress, which is often cited as the most likely factor to contribute to conflict, only registered 24% of respondents to the poll. Lack of commitment registered at 23% while parenting differences registered at 20%. Other factors included marrying too young, opposing values or morals, substance abuse, domestic violence, and pursuing different lifestyles came in at 10% or lower.
Lack of family support as a reason for divorce
One of the primary reasons for divorce was that one party felt the other party was leaving them with too many responsibilities related to child-rearing or other obligations. A lack of family support was cited as a primary cause of divorce across the U.S. An equal distribution of marital labor is thus necessary to keep a marriage intact through the long haul. When one party doesn’t feel like the other party is upholding their end of the bargain, it can create a tense situation within the marriage. One party feels overburdened by marital responsibilities and decides that marriage would be better served by divorce.
Marriages that do endure have two spouses who contribute equally to the arrangement so that one spouse doesn’t feel overburdened by marital responsibilities.
Meanwhile, financial security was one of the most common reasons that couples got married, but only 23% of respondents indicated that financial problems were their main reason for getting a divorce. The respondents were allowed to select multiple reasons for the breakdown of their marriage in the poll, but far more chose a lack of family support than financial problems. On the other hand, financial security was one of the key reasons that couples decided to tie the knot in the first place.
Talk to a Tampa, FL Divorce Lawyer Today
Faulkner Law Group, PLLC represents the interests of those who are pursuing a divorce in Tampa, FL. Call our office today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin discussing the process of pursuing a divorce in Florida.