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Tampa Family Lawyer > Tampa Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Tampa Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Divorces are tough. But they’re not always the nasty courtroom battles that you see on TV. Sometimes divorces are handled amicably by the couples. Maybe they haven’t been married long and just want to move on quickly, without an argument. Or maybe there are children involved and the parents want to lessen the burden and stress on them.

This is called an uncontested divorce and it’s the best way to divorce, if at all possible. Sometimes divorces start as contested and become uncontested after mediation and other strategies. While there are situations when a couple may want to contest their divorce, being in agreement on all the major issues in a divorce certainly makes life easier for all involved.

See how you can move on with your life quickly and easily after divorce. The Tampa uncontested divorce lawyer at Faulkner Law Group, PLLC can help you get a resolution as quickly as possible so you can move on.

Why Choose an Uncontested Divorce?

An uncontested divorce can be beneficial for the following reasons:

  • It’s faster. An uncontested divorce can be finalized in under three months. In comparison, some contested divorces may take several years.
  • It’s easier. When both spouses are on the same page concerning their divorce, the process is easier. There’s less to do, so things aren’t as complicated.
  • It’s less expensive. In an uncontested divorce, you should still hire a lawyer to help you with your case and ensure your legal rights are protected. But you’ll still pay less than you would if you have to go to court and battle it out with your spouse.
  • There’s less stress. Contested divorces come with a lot of hostility and negativity. This can be stressful for all involved. In an uncontested divorce, things are a lot more friendly and respectful. You still have to negotiate and work with the other party, which can be a little complicated, but it’s not as bad as having to deal with a contested divorce.

Simplified Dissolution of Marriage

For an even easier divorce, Florida has what is known as a “simplified dissolution of marriage.” This is the fastest route, allowing you to finalize your divorce in just a couple months. However, there are strict requirements. You must meet these conditions:

  • Both spouses agree to use this method of divorce.
  • Both spouses agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken.
  • The couple has no child under the age of 18 or any current pregnancies.
  • At least one spouse has lived in Florida for the past six months.
  • The spouses have agreed on how to divide all assets and debts.
  • Neither spouse is seeking alimony.

Contact Us Today

Divorces are complicated enough as it is. By choosing an uncontested divorce, you can make the process easier. The Faulkner Law Group, PLLC can help you divorce with ease. Call (813) 544-3919 or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation with our Tampa uncontested divorce lawyer.

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