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Tampa Family Lawyer > Blog > Criminal > Will I Be Arrested For A Bench Warrant?

Will I Be Arrested For A Bench Warrant?


If you have learned that there has been a bench warrant issued for you, you may be feeling highly stressed and concerned. The good news is that just by being aware of this warrant’s existence you are already ahead of the game and have the opportunity to avoid spending any time behind bars. Many people don’t learn that there is a bench warrant out on them until they are in handcuffs, but by having this awareness it allows you to be proactive and take the steps necessary to resolve the matter leading to the issuance of the warrant before police place you under arrest.

What is a Bench Warrant?

A bench warrant is issued when you miss a court date or have something that you need to answer for to a judge. Essentially, it’s a warrant beckoning you to the “bench.” A bench warrant may be issued if you miss a court date or fail to make court-ordered child support payments. A bench warrant may even be issued if you fail to appear for jury duty. The warrant serves to get you in front of a judge so that you can answer for your indiscretion and make it right. While a bench warrant is less serious than an arrest warrant, you can still be placed under arrest and spend time in jail for a bench warrant. Police are not likely to actively pursue you to place you under arrest, but if you encounter police, such as at a traffic stop, and they run your name, they will see that there is a bench warrant out for you and will place you under arrest and in jail until you are able to stand before a judge. This can take a few days or even over a week, so if you haven’t planned for it, it can create significant difficulties for you, such as missing work or not being able to arrange for childcare.

How Do I Know if I Have a Bench Warrant?

You will be notified via mail if there is a bench warrant out for your arrest. You can also contact the court clerk in your county to inquire as to whether there are any warrants out on you.

How Do I Resolve a Bench Warrant Without Going to Jail?

You can avoid having to spend time in jail for a bench warrant by beating police to the punch and resolving the issue that led to the warrant being issued before you have an encounter that leads to your arrest. You can do this by contacting the county court clerk and saying that you have a bench warrant against you that you would like to resolve. You can also contact the police by calling their non-emergency number and expressing your desire to resolve the bench warrant. This will allow you to simply schedule a time to go before the judge or to pay whatever money is owed without having to spend any time in jail.

Contact Faulkner Law Group Today

If you are facing criminal charges in Tampa, Florida, you do not have to navigate the process alone. The experienced Tampa criminal defense attorneys at the Faulkner Law Group will fight to get the charges against you dropped. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.



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